PhiSiCal (πœ™π›Ήπœ’al) Mixture Models

Reference: Piyumi R Amarasinghe, Lloyd Allison, Peter J Stuckey, Maria Garcia de la Banda, Arthur M Lesk, and Arun S Konagurthu. Getting πœ™π›Ήπœ’al with proteins: minimum message length inference of joint distributions of backbone and sidechain dihedral angles, Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue Supplement_1, Pages i357-i367, 2023. [PDF]
Additional tables and plots related to PDB50HighRes-mixture model

This PDF contains two additional tables and two additional figures specifically for PDB50HighRes mixture models inferred in this work. These complement the supplementary tables and figures that appear in the published supplementary sections S5-S8, respectively (dealing with mixture models inferred on PDB50 data set, rather than PDB50HighRes data set).

Please contact the following people for any queries arising:
  • Arun Konagurthu <>
  • Piyumi R. Amarasinghe <>